Thursday, December 6, 2007

A New Job

Yesterday, I started working at the Barnes and Noble Chelsea. YAY!!! When I went in yesterday I was given a tour of the whole store then started on the job training in the Children's department. I will be working in the children's and Performing Arts sections of the store. I got a name tag and a locker in the break room.

So i've been working in children's shelving books, finding books for people, and answering questions. Also, I recommend books to people. This is hard. Usually I just recommend books my momma read me or books that I have read. But people come in looking for gifts for christmas.... like this one today....

Customer- I need a book for a 12 year old girl.

Me- What is she interested in?

Customer- I don't know. She's my granddaughter and she lives in South Carolina and she needs something for christmas.

Me- Ok.... Let's start over here with the american girls sections.....

It's hard when people don't know what they want. And, I don't remember what I was reading at what age. So, I'm talking with customers and trying to gage the reading level of the recipient. It's hard.

And there are job hazards I have learned..... I got a paper cut today :( and the location of the paper cut makes it look like I tried to slit my wrist. But I didn't. I like this job. It's a lot better than my last one........

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